John Smyzer's Ramblings

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Just Musing

I saw Sean Puff Daddy Combs on TV the other day.  Ole Puff has a line of clothing he pimps, I mean, pumps.  The story had to do with how few top female models were black.  They interviewed a couple of them, Naomi Campbell in particular and of course they were lamenting how terrible this fact was.  So then they went to Puff Daddy.  He of course reiterated just how unfair this situation was.  They then showed a fashion show of Puff's  male clothing line.  All, and I do mean all of the male models were black.  I just love this.

It got me to thinking about our current political race.  To my knowledge we have NEVER had a black Vice Presidential candidate.   "I" think, in the interest of fairness, Barrack should select a black (man or woman), as I don't want to be accused of discrimination.  See how this works?   Hypocrisy has always been a pet peeve of mine and this is just too simple.


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