John Smyzer's Ramblings

Monday, August 18, 2008

Above My Pay Grade

I did not watch the questioning from The Rev. Rick Warren talking to Mr. Obama and Mr. McCain. I have watched clips of the question to Mr. Obama when he in essence said the answer was above his pay grade.

More times than I care to remember, over the years I have heard that same response from those afraid to make a decision. My response to them has always been, if you aren't going to make the hard decisions give up the fricking money you are paid to make those decisions. In Mr. Obama's case, while the money paid to The President of The United States is not all that great, I will suggest gently of course, that there is nobody on this earth 'above' his pay grade. If he doesn't have the gonads to answer a simple question from The Reverend, he will be in deep doo doo if elected.



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