John Smyzer's Ramblings

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Bailout or Whatever You Wanna Call It

I, a simple man, believe the American People would support this plan if the crap were taken out of its substance. This simple man has lost lost and lots on paper like many others. Perhaps it was preordained, I dunno.

On the evening news they showed me a cartoon to help me understand the credit crunch. A cartoon!! The toon talked about if the company I worked for could not borrow money they couldn't make payroll. If the restaurant I washed dishes for could not buy the food they prepare to sell to the public it would close. And several other examples.

A couple of points: 1) If the company I work for has to borrow money to make payroll, that company is on shaky ground to begin with. Me? On my day off, I'm looking for a more solvent company. If the restaurant I am washing dishes for is borrowing money to buy the food to sell to Joe Shmo, that restaurant is probably gonna fail.

If they'd just tell me a new small business would have problems getting start-up money, THAT I would believe. Just tell me something believable, even if it is in a cartoon.

Or, perhaps the cartoon should go further and tell me that many companies / businesses 'NEED' to go Tangu Uniform (Tits UP) - think about it, it will come to you.



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