John Smyzer's Ramblings

Friday, December 20, 2013

Duck Dynasty Fiasco

My thoughts on this are very very basic.  I have tried watching the show, perhaps three different times while surfing around.  For me?  I do not get it!  Have never watched a show all the way through.

As far as the controversy - I believe they are entitled to their beliefs and to publicly state those beliefs. On the other hand, A&E has the right to fire them from their network.  "IF", and I repeat "IF" A&E takes a beating financially, they will change their tune.  If not, they won't!  Simple.

Next problem please.

Friday, December 13, 2013

Let Us Pretend For Just A Moment

Let us say, just for the sake of discussion, the Republicans retained control of The House and took control of The Senate in 2014 - are you thinking along those lines?

OK - do you for even one moment believe the Republicans would vote to do away with Obamacare? If you believe that, you are a fool!  It is the law doncha know.

Sequestration was also the LAW!!!   The Congress in this new wonderful two year budget blew away lots of the sequester LAW.  Easy wasn't it?  They tell us they will re-instate what was taken away in ten years.  What a crock of crapola!!!

It has taken me along time; I now know there is no real difference between the two major parties.  They all believe they can just continue to print money.  There will be a day of reckoning at some point.  Let there be no doubt!

Thursday, December 12, 2013


For me, one of the funniest things I've EVER seen was the fake signer who performed at Nelson Mandela's funeral.  Then watching a real signer interpret him on one of the nighttime shows was equally funny.  Just glad I got to see it all unfold.

Speaking of the funeral - I think the uproar over President Obama shaking the hand of Castro is absurd. Just what do people 'think' he should have done - stiff him?  It would have been different had our President gone out of his way to seek Castro out - instead, he walked right into him upon going to the podium.  Just ridiculous!  IMHO

On the other hand, the selfie taken has a one word description from me.  D E C O R U M!  Tis all I have to say on that subject!

Wednesday, December 04, 2013

Abit of This - Abit of That
There are more people in The United States on disability than are the entire population of Greece.  Do you not think that is a problem?  I do, I saw much while working, I hear more each and every day.  It is a national disgrace!
I do not know how much Senator Pryor invoked The Almighty in previous elections, but methinks he and others are now beginning to believe they may be in abit of trouble.  In the end, it is all due to Obamacare, not much more.
Let the word go forth - if you sleep with fleas, you will get fleas.  "IF" the mayor elect does what he has said he'd do, New York will go the way of Detroit, (and), Chicago.  The over promising to unions over the years (by both parties), is, was, and always will be, a sham.  It cannot be sustained. Period.

I cannot wait for the veil to lift from those working for companies that provide health insurance.  Many are walking around thinking this mess will not affect them - it will.  Think about this - if you ran a company, and the government required you to increase your costs by millions, what would you do?  If you had an out by paying a fine for each person, would you not do it?  Yes you would; yes they will, and you 'will' be affected bigtime.  And in the more time...Republicans who did NOT vote for this piece of garbage WILL BE BLAMED!! Count on it!

Monday, December 02, 2013

This'n That Observations

   I absolutely love the news stories about Amazon delivering items via drone.  They showed a mock-up on the news and while the device / ability to do so is a few years away,  it is very interesting.  Now there are many obstacles to overcome.  All I could think of was an explosive being dropped off, but the concept is exciting!

   The President has very artfully tried to delay the impact of implementing Obamacare.  All the delays, all the gimmees to unions etc.; just so devious.  In the end, there is one goal, and that is a single payer system.   I do not understand why people have such a hard time understanding what the goal has been from day one.  Once the Act was passed, it was written.  The was passed by Congress - The President has and is changing the LAW at his whim(s).  Congress has no stomach to stop him... sad but true.  

   I see today there are fast food strikes in 100 cities.  The fact many people will not be able to get their junk food should please the administration (especially Michelle).  Please do not tell me she is not part of the administration.  Anyway, "I" do not think striking a fast food joint is the way to go.  They say they want the minimum wage raised.  Of 'course' businesses will not raise their prices to cover a minimum wage hike.  Why go to $10 or $15 per hour.  Why not just go straight to $25 per hour?  There 'are' reasons, but who cares.  Furthermore, if you do not want to live on minimum wage get yourself educated just abit.