John Smyzer's Ramblings

Tuesday, June 19, 2007


I shopped for groceries today; a little over a week ago I also shopped. And I shop at the commissary. I noticed my bills were running higher than normal and then it dawned on me.

I think this countries turn to ethanol could be the single stupidest thing we as a country have ever done. Another government mandated program and you can see where we are going. And we can't even begin to contemplate what it will do to health care. I guess you can get a clue or two by looking at medicare / medicaid.

Corn folks... write it down. We will rue the day we began using food to drive our cars. Oh well.

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Hypocrisy At It's Best

Over the years, often times I have used the phrase 'I am not a hypocrite' when refusing to do, or back something, some idea etc. In point of fact, were someone to analyze my daily doings, there would be evidence of hypocrisy in different areas. Might even be illuminating to have someone point those areas out.... however, there are hypocrites and then there are hypocrites.

The former president and his wife liquidating the contents of their 'blind trust' reveals hypocrisy to the highest possible descriptive. Forget the fact these folks went to Washington with nothing and today are worth mucho millions (little lingo there preparing for takeover). "Blind" in these matters means only they have no immediate control over the assets, it does not mean they are not aware of what they are invested in (to my knowledge anyway).

Okay, so what are some of these companies? Pharmaceutical companies, including $250,000-$500,000 in Biogen Idec and Johnson & Johnson and $100,000- $250,000 in Amgen, Pfizer and GlaxoSmithKline. It also invested in General Electric and Raytheon, two leading defense contractors. The trust had a varied portfolio, with investments in numerous other companies, including Exxon Mobil, BP Amoco, Walt Disney and eBay. Does anyone besides me see any hypocrisy in some of these companies? I doubt it actually. And it's O.K. - we will get what we want, when we want it.

BTW - as a retired Raytheon employee, it gags me to think they invested in my company - based on what they actually say and do, I always thought they'd rather see us go under - oh, I forgot the hypocrisy. I guess it's O.K. - I sold all my Raytheon stock upon retirement.

Friday, June 15, 2007


If you want an excellent program that does everything but slice your bread, I have it for you.

ASuite is an application launcher. It is designed to work with removable storage (uses relative paths) media like USB sticks, hard drives, iPods, etc...

This release includes new window Scan folder, scheduler, read only mode for CD/DVD, launcher options, update system and other changes and bug fixes. For more details,

If you want to go straight to the download,just go here: (NOTE): I recommend the very top option as it doesn't even need to be unzipped, just click on the file once downloaded and install it where you want.

There are a total of 161 applications in this Suite and trust me when I say - there are some nice ones here. It is not a large download as it is designed for a USB drive; I installed in on a USB drive 'AND' on my hard drive. Very nice. :)

It Won't Go Away !!!

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid will approve a new deal on immigration on Thursday and move to bring the once-dead legislation back to the Senate floor next week, Democratic sources told FOX News.

Details of the immigration compromise remain to be finalized, but top Democratic sources say Reid has closely monitored the behind-the-scenes dickering over policy changes and a finite list of amendments due for consideration. Based on the latest updates on the policy and amendments, Reid will approve the compromise and move late Thursday to put the bill back on the calendar for Senate consideration in the middle of next week.

"He's going to bless it and he's going to get the Senate back in the business of dealing with immigration," said a source in the Democratic Senate leadership...

...GOP sources tell FOX News that the new bill has enough support from Republicans for Reid to prevail on a procedural vote to get the bill to final passage.

Who knows where this is going, but I'm thinking it will get through the Senate. Hopefully the House will kill this mess. I personally don't think the American people believe the spewing coming from our supposed lawmakers. Nor for that matter The President on this immigration issue. To the average Joe, it seems logical to secure the borders for crying in the sink. "BEFORE" doing anything else.

When I listen to the arguments regarding this issue, none make sense if you follow them all the way through to the end. The one that gets me the most is about they are doing jobs Americans won't do... umm if the farmers would offer the Americans $20.00 bucks an hour do you think they would do it? I do, and we (the rest of us) would end up saving money by virtue of what's happening in our schools and our hospitals just to name two. Bump it to $30.00 an hour and I would bet we would still save money.

Just begin by securing the borders - we should KNOW who is here; let immigration go unabated but just make it a legal process... it is not asking too much.

Friday, June 08, 2007


"Finally" !!! Some people in congress coming to their senses... or, put another way, I 'think' they heard us! The people are being heard no thanks to the regular media. Today's media which includes the internet and talk radio are educating folks to what has been crammed down our throats for eons.

One thing is very clear to me - 'Johanny' McCain will NOT be president of these United States. He has been one of the driving forces from the republican side for this flawed bill. He will pay for the error(s) of his ways. He and Kyl both may pay with their seats in Arizona. Time will tell of course, but I have thought for many moons that immigration is 'the' issue facing this country, and until it is solved, at least addressed, we are in deep doo doo. BTW, according to the Washington Times, when an amendment would be offered, McCain and Graham ( R-NC) went to Teddy and asked which way to vote. You lose me right now Senators!!!

Just so we know where the media's priorities are, today the chairman of the Joint Chiefs was or is being replaced as I type this - of course the immigration bill and all its ramifications. What is in the media? Ms. Hilton. Ha ha ha ha ha ha. What a dark mark on the main street media.

Friday, June 01, 2007

Immigration -

I've said for some time that I think the immigration issue is waaaay bigger than what Washington tries to make it out to be... I now think, in the final analysis this bill is going to be rammed down our throats, the people be hanged.

If the bill does succeed, in my mind it will be the end of the republican party. And I don't just mean for a few years, I mean, 'The End'. Many I'm sure will be happy to see the demise of said republicans; myself, after watching their performance in the past 6-7 years believe they deserved to be taken to the wood shed. However, methinks the pendulum won't have anywhere to swing back to once they are decimated.

I absolutely know we are not going to deport the 12 - 20 million illegals in this country. OK fine. But, I want NO NEW bill passed until the fricking border is secured. I have indeed reconciled myself to the fact those here are going to be given amnesty - PERIOD.