John Smyzer's Ramblings

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

The Agreement

So, we now have fourteen senators that are running this country? Me thinks not, at least not for long. I don't care if John McCain is a war hero - he makes me want to vomit pure bile. And evidently Lindsey Graham is in training to take ole John's place when he FINALLY leaves. He may have presidential ambitions, but I will guarantee the republican faithful will sit on their hands if he is the nominee. He will not be elected from 'that' party and I'd put lots of money on that statement.

Remember 'these' words: ''under extraordinary circumstances.'' Those words refer to when the democrats will still filibuster under this agreement. No definition as to what it means. I will tell you what it mean, if I may be so bold. It means, any person put forth for The Supreme Court. The steps taken by the so called moderates have in affect delayed the inevitable... although I have my doubts the republicans in their perceived power have the gonads to follow through with anything. I believe the actions of the republicans is the final straw, the actions that will hinder the party for many years to come. The little people who donate their money won't anymore. The people who work the polls, who get out the vote, won't... why should they? They put these people in power for a reason - they have shown their disdain for 'the people'.

The more I think of this the madder I get. One of the clauses in this agreement is that the republican seven agreed to not use the nuclear (constitutional) option for the rest of this congress, e.g. until the 2006 elections. I heard one of the republican seven (Lindsey Graham) say if the democrats used the filibuster he would reserve the right to re-implement the nuclear option. That means he did not even know what he agreed to since he won't be able to until after 2006. Yech!

Remember McCain Feingold??? The two who brought us the 'fix' to campaign financing? It was supposed to stop the big money from the campaigns. Left a loophole you could drive a tank through. Now this brilliant man is at the head of 'this' endeavor. I despise John McCain. I suspect he thinks he has finally gotten even with The President for the South Carolina primary in 2000.
The Dems win bigtime on this one - as I have said since 'before' the election of 2000 - it is ALL about The Supreme Court. End of story.... and a story it is... the republicans have either been snookered or sabotaged. Take your pick... makes 'me' want to vomit.

Thursday, May 19, 2005

The Filibuster Debate

Who knows where this will go and what will come out as an end product. Republicans seem to have a burning 'need' to deal and compromise with their enemy. And, in this case, make no mistake, the democrats 'are' the enemy. The courts are the only path the democrats have left to make law these days using activist judges. The path the republicans are on the verge of choosing will lead them back to obscurity where they seem to be more comfortable.

The democrats keep saying if this rules change goes through it will be total disaster for the United States Senate.. a debacle... an end to what has taken place for over 200 years. Umm, just wondering, "IF" this rules change will be such a debacle, do you not think just five democrats out of 45 might could vote to end the so called filibuster and therefore allow a vote on the judges? Nay nay - it evidently is not that serious of an issue.

Were one to look back at things I wrote 'BEFOFRE' this election you would see something to this affect... nothing The President does is more important than the appointment of the judiciary. Judges (especially the Supreme Court appointments) trumps all other issues, including war. And directly below the Supreme Court are the circuit courts - that is what this fight is about.

I say all of this to make this point - "I" do not care if 'all' of President Bushes nominees get rejected {{ IF }} they are voted on... I 'know' there are enough RINO (republican in name only), republicans who will vote against any nominee they consider too extreme. Dadgum I hate that word extreme... probably one of the most overused words in our vocabulary, politically speaking of course. And as for me, I'd rather the RINO(s) just go ahead and switch their affiliation and be done with it - take a good look in the mirror and be true to yourself.

RINO is not something I came up with and I don't know its origin, but I do like it and it sure fits a group of the republican senators.

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Famous Quote

"Nobody believes the official spokesman... but everybody trusts an unidentified source."

Ron Nessen - White House Press Secretary for RMN

Apply this to the Newsweek incident folks.

Sunday, May 15, 2005

This'n That

Interesting to watch the stories regarding Hillary and Newt. Pay attention and I would venture to say you will see one of the best examples I can cite regarding the slant of the press.

Newt will be portrayed as 'coming to Hillary'. She of course will be portrayed as steadfast in her beliefs and never wavering. The truth is somewhere in the middle. Newt has always been for more government involvement than I care to see... that is not the point. He will be portrayed as finally coming to his senses. The ruthless right winger finally coming around. Whether or not you like him, he is one of the smartest people in congress. I suppose one could say that portrays the serious state of our leaders, but I always say, it is our fault. It's like people who get away with murder at work... it is NOT their fault... it is indeed their leaders. Always !!!

Another thing that has tickled me with the press this past week is in regards to President Bush not being told about the small airplane approaching the White House. He was if you recall on a mid day bike ride in Maryland. One can argue whether or not he should be off riding during the middle of the day, but again, not the point. The press is bonkers because Laura and Nancy Reagan were sent to the bunker and the president was not even told until after the fact.

I wonder just what they think he could/would have done had he been told. Perhaps wave his arms in a particular way that would turn the aircraft in mid air? The actual incident of the aircraft itself lasted a total of ten minutes. Knee jerk reactions are 'exactly' what one does not want happening - we all see those on a daily basis at our jobs. And if you are lucky enough not to, then you are one lucky person. I've become jaded and no longer am even a teensie bit surprised at daily knee jerk reactions to problems, in fact, I pretty much know who is going to do it before hand. :)

Anyway, I heard the National Security Adviser Stephen Hadley today say, the president was satisfied that procedure had been followed. I suppose that could be BS but it sounds like it was to me. At least in the White House... the congress on the other hand was rather a laughing matter to watch. Hillary of course was a rock, walking calmly out the door. The more I think of it, I want her right where I can see her at all times.

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

State of The Republican Power

I dunno, seems in my mind at least, the republican party does not know what to do with their leadership positions, in 'both' bodies of congress. This issue over the 'filibuster' rule change is driving me nutso!

Back when Mr. Clinton was president, back when 'anyone' else was president, I have said over and over again that the appointment of judges is, was, and always will be, the single most important thing a president does. Even at that it is a crap shoot.

If the republican party, in their current positions of power can not get these circuit judges through, they are headed for a big downfall as a party. Anyone remember 1964 when Barry Goldwater was buried in an avalanche? I do!

The democrats are quoting Ken Starr for crying in the sink, because ole Kenny boy has said it would be a disaster if the Senate changed their rules. Kenneth Starr, the most hated republican of the 90s because of his role in the impeachment of President Clinton - a buffoon, a disgrace, a waster of tax payer money, and on and on and on.... UNTIL he says something they agree with. He is now being portrayed as a wise old sage, one who should be listened to... one who has wise counsel... one who makes me wretch, both now and when he was leading the investigation of the former president. He is a wuss now, he was a wuss then, and he always will be a wuss.

I think that is why they all hate John Bolton so much... he is a man. He might just hurt somebodies feelings on occasion. Um, I hurt peoples feelings most every day just doing my job, and trust me when I say, if I didn't, I would sink real quick. And by the way, were John Bolton a woman who spoke 'her' mind, I would be on her side also. Women too can have gonads... witness Jean Kirpatrick, witness Margaret Thatcher, both heroes of mine. Anybody who is paying attention and who does not think the United Nations needs a good shaking up is brain dead... I don't even know if Bolton can make a difference; I would just hope he's 1/2 as bad (bad as in blunt speaking), as they all say. Fat chance I'm a thinking.

ONE MORE TIME - never in the history of this country have judicial nominees been filibustered BEFORE getting out of committee. If they get to the floor and a filibuster ensues, yes, that has happened and can be counted on one hand. If the republican party does not have the gonads to change this rule they will deserve their fate... the base is getting very very restless.

Sunday, May 08, 2005


We are begining down a trek to pay our own real estate taxes and the insurance on the house. While I have always known these items were being paid, it will now be more evident because they will now be done minus the morgtage payment. I think this will only validate what I have said for many years.

If people had to walk up to the tax window and pay their federal taxes once a week, month, or year, there would be a revolt in this country. Out of sight, out of mind... but when you write that check, or hand over that cash, it all becomes 'very' apparent what you are doing.

I'm going to try and not let paying these things myself upset my stomach. In fact, I'm off to make a pancake right now! This is what I'm making:

One HUGE Pancake That Acts Like A Souffle

This is gigundo, as little kids say when they see it. Often they want their own but it will serve two nicely.

1/2 cup milk
2 large eggs
1/4 cup sugar
1/2 cup all-purpose flour
3 tablespoons butter

Preheat oven to 425.
Mix all ingredients. There will be lumps. That's good. Melt butter in 12-inch skillet.
Pour in batter and let cook for one minute. When edges bubble place in oven and bake for 10 to 12 minutes until all puffy and golden.
To liven it up you can throw into the batter anything from cinnamon to lemon zest, pecans,choclate chips or fresh berries. Eat instantly and prepare to make a second.