John Smyzer's Ramblings

Thursday, May 19, 2005

The Filibuster Debate

Who knows where this will go and what will come out as an end product. Republicans seem to have a burning 'need' to deal and compromise with their enemy. And, in this case, make no mistake, the democrats 'are' the enemy. The courts are the only path the democrats have left to make law these days using activist judges. The path the republicans are on the verge of choosing will lead them back to obscurity where they seem to be more comfortable.

The democrats keep saying if this rules change goes through it will be total disaster for the United States Senate.. a debacle... an end to what has taken place for over 200 years. Umm, just wondering, "IF" this rules change will be such a debacle, do you not think just five democrats out of 45 might could vote to end the so called filibuster and therefore allow a vote on the judges? Nay nay - it evidently is not that serious of an issue.

Were one to look back at things I wrote 'BEFOFRE' this election you would see something to this affect... nothing The President does is more important than the appointment of the judiciary. Judges (especially the Supreme Court appointments) trumps all other issues, including war. And directly below the Supreme Court are the circuit courts - that is what this fight is about.

I say all of this to make this point - "I" do not care if 'all' of President Bushes nominees get rejected {{ IF }} they are voted on... I 'know' there are enough RINO (republican in name only), republicans who will vote against any nominee they consider too extreme. Dadgum I hate that word extreme... probably one of the most overused words in our vocabulary, politically speaking of course. And as for me, I'd rather the RINO(s) just go ahead and switch their affiliation and be done with it - take a good look in the mirror and be true to yourself.

RINO is not something I came up with and I don't know its origin, but I do like it and it sure fits a group of the republican senators.


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