John Smyzer's Ramblings

Thursday, April 21, 2005

Diversity Training

Today I attended a one hour mandatory diversity training session at the office. This class covered the fact that one should be cognizant of, and open to any and all ethnicities, any and all life styles etc. etc. etc. It goes on and on folks and each year more is added to this sort of thing. It is mandatory, and I did go. Upon completion, I was asked... well John what did you think of our class? Did you enjoy it? I replied - do unto others as you would have them do unto you. When I got the expected blank look, I asked. If indeed you do follow the golden rule, does it not cover each and every aspect of that hour we just spent in there?

The individual sputtered and several times tried a different approach. I insisted on an answer to 'my' question, and in the end they agreed. And then I drove the final nail in by saying, and oh by the way, I was probably in kindergarten when I learned that rule. Life is not all that complicated me thinks. We as a culture sure try and make it so, but it is not in the final analysis.


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