John Smyzer's Ramblings

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

John Bolton - Tom Delay

In my humble opinion, the republican party does not yet know they are in power. And I suspect by the time they realize they are, they no longer will be. Speaking for me, I have lost confidence in them as a majority party.

One thing I 'will' say... if this party finds out Delay has been doing something 'other' than what most of them do, they will cut him loose. They will not blindly support him, trust me on that one. On the other hand, the Senate should stand up, take a stand and get Bolton confirmed at the U.N. He YELLS at subordinates? Ha ha... from what I've seen during my lifetime, many NEED yelled at. Further, I will venture to say that 99 out of the 100 senators currently in the Senate have and do yell with some regularity! Making their underlings feel inadequate etc. Oh me oh my... what will I do... he yelled at me. CRAP! If you don't like it, git OUT.

Yes, I think I can honestly say, I have indeed lost confidence in the political system in these United States of America. I am saddened to have to admit that fact.


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