John Smyzer's Ramblings

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

State of The Republican Power

I dunno, seems in my mind at least, the republican party does not know what to do with their leadership positions, in 'both' bodies of congress. This issue over the 'filibuster' rule change is driving me nutso!

Back when Mr. Clinton was president, back when 'anyone' else was president, I have said over and over again that the appointment of judges is, was, and always will be, the single most important thing a president does. Even at that it is a crap shoot.

If the republican party, in their current positions of power can not get these circuit judges through, they are headed for a big downfall as a party. Anyone remember 1964 when Barry Goldwater was buried in an avalanche? I do!

The democrats are quoting Ken Starr for crying in the sink, because ole Kenny boy has said it would be a disaster if the Senate changed their rules. Kenneth Starr, the most hated republican of the 90s because of his role in the impeachment of President Clinton - a buffoon, a disgrace, a waster of tax payer money, and on and on and on.... UNTIL he says something they agree with. He is now being portrayed as a wise old sage, one who should be listened to... one who has wise counsel... one who makes me wretch, both now and when he was leading the investigation of the former president. He is a wuss now, he was a wuss then, and he always will be a wuss.

I think that is why they all hate John Bolton so much... he is a man. He might just hurt somebodies feelings on occasion. Um, I hurt peoples feelings most every day just doing my job, and trust me when I say, if I didn't, I would sink real quick. And by the way, were John Bolton a woman who spoke 'her' mind, I would be on her side also. Women too can have gonads... witness Jean Kirpatrick, witness Margaret Thatcher, both heroes of mine. Anybody who is paying attention and who does not think the United Nations needs a good shaking up is brain dead... I don't even know if Bolton can make a difference; I would just hope he's 1/2 as bad (bad as in blunt speaking), as they all say. Fat chance I'm a thinking.

ONE MORE TIME - never in the history of this country have judicial nominees been filibustered BEFORE getting out of committee. If they get to the floor and a filibuster ensues, yes, that has happened and can be counted on one hand. If the republican party does not have the gonads to change this rule they will deserve their fate... the base is getting very very restless.


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