John Smyzer's Ramblings

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

The Oil Reserve

Unless there is something "I" don't know, (and I know there is plenty), I totally disagree with the president releasing oil from the reserve at this time. What am I missing? If the refineries that are shut down are in the area devastated by Katrina, and the others are running at 98%+... what good will it do? Methinks it is merely a political move to 'appease' the sheep.

One think he did do in tandem with that decision is something all presidents should do... that is to relax some of the restrictions on the different blends required for different states. That one move alone (were it made permanent), would relieve the price of gas significantly. Did you know the refineries make more than 40 different blends of gas? State X need blend X, while a state next door needs blend Y. Hey folks, it costs m o n e y making all thee different blends.

I dunno, this disaster in the south 'may' finally wake this country up. As has been said on numerous occasions - there has not been a new refinery in this country in over 30 years and unless and until we do something about that, e.g. increase the production, that there petrol is gonna keep on going up Up UP!!

Sunday, August 28, 2005

The Senator from Nebraska

Mr. Hagel - a Vietnam Vet - can we all agree we thank him for his service - not the issue. I don't even care if he is against our policy in Iraq... him, Senator Biden, Ms. Sheehan, all of them. Their right as Americans, right? At least Ms. Sheehan has the kahunas to at least say we should get out. The others? No gonads... they harp, they whine, they say we are losing, but do they offer an alternative? Nope... just on and on with NO new thoughts on what should be done.

Has the administration made mistakes? You bet. War is funny that way. Decisions have to be made, changed, re-changed and changed again in a war. You can't just say we will do X, Y, and Z, then get out. Does not work that way. And if someone wants to critisize, so be it; but, if you are in a position such as a Senator of these United States, if you are going to critisize, please offer me some alternative. Who knows, I might even join you. As it is, I won't even vote for your re-election in this state!!

Sunday, August 21, 2005

Volunteering For Military Service

I read an editorial today written by Bob Herbert - he writes for The New York Times - he was ranting again about President and Mrs. Bush not sending their daughters to war. Holy Cow!!! How many times does it need said. The military is a volunteer force. Period. It matters not that there are not a bunch of rich kid draftees in the force. This country decided long ago to have a volunteer force. That, by the way, in itself makes Iraq mucho different than Vietnam which many are trying to make the correlation. Arrgh!

As a career military person, I ache along with many who did 'not' serve with each and every casualty in Iraq, Afghanistan et. al. But, they volunteered. And yes, I do know some folks who joined the national guard just for a supplemental check each month never thinking they would be called. However, the bulk of them do it out of patriotism. There is only ONE group of military I really feel sorry for and those are the ones who did their time, got out and got recalled. Now 'those' folks, in 'my' mind at least, did their time. When I got out after 20 years, I knew I 'could' have been recalled anytime during the next 10 years. While I was not, I would have been feeling sorry for myself had I been. And, for the record, I'd a had to buy new uniforms. : )

Anyway - for the lame brains in this country - we have a volunteer military force. If you think about it, one way to 'end' this war is for people to quit volunteering... umm does this say anything to you?

Saturday, August 20, 2005

Ambassador Bolton

Welp, the dreaded Mr. Bolton is 'on the job' - he's doing things that 'need' doing at the 'great' United Nations. For example: The United Nations Development Program (UNDP) recently included the following banner in some of their literature: "Today Gaza, Tomorrow the West Bank and Jerusalem" . From the United Nations for crying out loud.

When Mr. Bolton called them on it, they said:
"We cannot be involved in political messaging," Ahem, not good enough for the ambassador - he stated: "American law calls for Jerusalem to be recognized as the undivided capital of Israel." Just quietly and doggedly going on about being the ambassador of a corrupted organization. Methinks he will do more good during his 'appointed' time there than anyone since Ms. Kirpatric back in the 80s. And guess what... not a word from the blubbering idiots who opposed his appointment.

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Eventually It Comes Out

As the days flow by, things that happened in years past, slowly, and I do mean slowly, begin to bubble to the surface. In [ the final analysis ] I think it will slowly be revealed that The Clinton Administration hosed this country as it pertains to identifying and doing something about active terrorists in this country back in the mid to late 90(s). And, it is becoming more and more apparent 'why' that party appointed Jamie Gorelick to the infamous 9/11 commission. Ms. Gorelick was an assistant Attorney General during those years of sweet bliss within the White House walls.

For that commission to look down their collective noses and say, implement this, and do that ad naseum, made me want to puke then, and actually swallow bile now. The more I think of Sandy (burglar) Berger stuffing papers in his pants, the madder I get. And Ms. Gorelick - I believe as the days go by, more than ever, she was placed on that commission for a reason... drip drip drip. It will come out, and that's fine.

In the meantime, the president stands alone, steadfast in the face of a media onslaught that at times has me yelling at the fricking screen. He (the president), has integrity, above all else. I'm behind him - it is tough at times but he appears to be man enough for the job. I'm thankful he has gonads.

Thursday, August 11, 2005

The Porkers

I remember back in my younger days I used to say... if the republicans ever get into power and do not control spending it will finally convince me that politicians will 'never' balance the budget. Well I guess we can put that to rest. What with all the pork in the energy bill the president recently signed, I think we can all say together that congress is just plain spend happy.

I can picture myself on Okinawa in 19 and 73 A.D. The discussion was on President Nixon not giving the military a pay raise that year because of high deficits. "I" was a lonsome dove in that room of airman... lonesome in the sense that I agreed with the president as long as I could see the rest of the country follow suit. Course it didn't happen and the military was just sacrificed.

All during those years though, there was either a republican president with a congress dominated by democrats or a democrat president also with a democrat congress. At times the republicans would hold the majority in the senate, but never both houses of congress. Well, it finally happened; nothing has changed. In fact it just may be the republican run government is worse than ever. I understand the monetary expenditures for the war, both at home and abroad. I can NOT nor will I accept the pork in the budget... it sickens me and it has taught me a bitter lesson - it has actually taken some of the fight out of me (politically speaking)... a sad but true commentary.

It did take me into my fifties to get this jaded about our government; the real sad part is... it is apparent this is what 'The People' want. That is the real sad thing, at least to me. :(