John Smyzer's Ramblings

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

NVSS - Mortality Data


NVSS - Mortality Data

   I keep hearing 40,000 to 45,000 deaths bandied about due to no health insurance depending on who is doing the talking.  This is supposedly a yearly total… for this discussion I have linked to the CDC’s government web site.  The latest death information is from 2006 and shows the number of deaths nationwide to be 2,426,264. 

   Keeping the math simple, I wonder what killed the others ‘with’ health insurance. Dunno why, what with all the statistics the government collects they don’t show a category for those without insurance.  Or, to put it another way, where do people come up with these statistics?  Just wondering.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Health Care Argument I Despise

   The argument used “Medicare is working OK” drives me nuts.  There is not a doubt in my mind; if people in this country thought for one minute Medicare was solvent, they would be 100% FOR, I repeat FOR the dreaded public option. 

   The problem is, people are smarter than they are given credit for in these matters.  They can see the problems regarding  the solvency of government programs. I don’t think they are as much against government as they are worried about whether or not it can sustain itself as a viable program.

   They say - ‘everyone’ will have access to insurance, and fined if they do not participate. Come on!  Do you believe that? How in the name of common sense will they fine someone who can’t put food on the table because they are not buying insurance?  Oh, then you mean, everyone will NOT have to buy insurance, right???  You can see from the gitgo it is unsustainable.

   There is so very much the government could do without destroying the entire system. Oh well… we elected em, we deserve em.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Black Voters Need Democratic Party

From The Washington Times

   As I read this article I can come to only one conclusion – the Obama Administration’s Justice Department believes black voters in Kinston NC are not smart enough to decide who to vote for unless there is Republican or Democrat listed on the ballot.

   Actually this does not surprise me; the only surprise (and it should not be), is the Department of Justice beginning to make it policy.  We are indeed going down a slippery slope.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

U.S. decision can't wait for Afghan legitimacy: Gates | Reuters

   I will add Gates to the mix of those who I think should resign if The President does not make a decision soon. 

   I’ll say it again – he is ‘our’ president – if he makes the decision to NOT send reinforcements, so be it, but at the same time he oughta pull the rest out.  To be left there without reinforcements is in my mind criminal. 

   As a former military person, I do not see how McCrystal ‘or’ Gates, ‘or’ Petraeus can support what is going on.  If The President does not like what McCrystal recommended, then fire him and pick someone he wants.  Oh, I forgot… President Obama ‘did’ pick McCrystal.  But, remember, that was when President Obama said it was a war of necessity and it was not messy.  It is now messy.  

   All of a sudden, those dadgummed tough decisions President Bush made don’t look so easy.

U.S. decision can't wait for Afghan legitimacy: Gates | Reuters

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Delicious Irony

   I am really getting a kick out of listening to people in the media, especially the entertainment industry trying to justify David Letterman’s behavior.  Oh OK, his alleged behavior.  So simple. :)

   There ‘is’ hanky panky in the work place.  Always has been, always will be.  The fact it is enforced only when the ends justify the means is what makes it so delicious to me when one of their own gets caught.  Were it someone from the proverbial right, these same people would be hollering from the rooftops, no question.

   Me?  I love it when political correctness makes a full circle and entwines these idiots in their own feces.  It is poetic justice.

Friday, October 09, 2009

The Peace Prize

   I have one thought and one only – if they gave it to Yassar Arafat, they will give it to anyone. 

   Well maybe two thoughts.  When you look at when the selection process was ‘closed’, Mr. Obama’s selection is even more amazing. There are ‘no’ words.  Line up world, drink the Kool-Aid.  

Monday, October 05, 2009

Afghanistan Again

I personally could care less if we are in Afghanistan. What I do care about is this – if we are going to be there then listen to the commander on the ground or get the heck OUT!

Here’s what I ‘know’. All democrats of any stature whatsoever told us again and again we should be in Afghanistan instead of Iraq. I mentioned several times while Bush was still president, if they were elected it would be interesting to see just how important Afghanistan was, especially if the going got tough. Well, it has gotten tough, and what do we have?

If President Obama does NOT send the troops requested, I see no way for Gen McChrystal to stay. In fact, I’d expect Petraeus to go also. On 9/24/09 I made hint of Petraeus being a candidate for national office. In today’s New York Times I saw reference to the same idea. Dunno, but…