John Smyzer's Ramblings

Tuesday, September 09, 2014


Does any thinking person not believe the pouring in of Central American children unchecked, both the influx unchecked  and medically unchecked, has not created the outbreak of this disease?  It seems very apparent to this uneducated asshole!  The government will NOT even tell us where they made their deposits; in our own locales we do know, but generally it is not common knowledge.

TB outbreaks, this virus - ebola being brought in - we definitely deserve precisely what we get!

Monday, September 08, 2014

Rambling Down The Road

   I watched Meet The Press yesterday just to see how a new host would handle his interview with The President.  It is mind boggling to me just how easily President Obama can manipulate the press; it matters not who is doing the questioning.
   When talking about his delay in making an immigration Executive Order, President Obama immediately blamed The House led by Republicans.  Were "I" asking the questions, I KNOW I'd be remiss to not mention the fact Republicans have passed mucho legislation and passed it to the Senate only to have ole Harry not even bring it up for a vote.  This is not to say all the legislation sent over to the Senate was good; it means at that point is is cussed and discussed!!  Harry is not allowing that to happen!   You tell me how that cannot be asked of our leader!!
   President Obama has proven he is playing with immigration as a political tool.  Either that or he is 'yellow' all up and down his spine.   He has tried time and again to get Republicans to just sign onto this mess.  That way 'he' would be off the hook.  The elephants want the fricking border secured FIRST!  The President said over a year ago the border was more secure than ever.  Then thousands walk across.  Makes me as a simple minded fellow want to puke.  You 'cannot' blame the people from Central America - they took the hint(s) from on high to make the trek.  "He" encouraged it!
   Do you remember President Bush's Axis of Evil?  Umm, do you now begin to see he was right? Back in 2007 President Bush said were we to withdraw prematurely from Iraq, later we'd have to go back to an even more dangerous situation.  Methinks you get the point.
   President Obama is a skilled wordsmith - his facade is beginning to crumble. FINALLY!!!