John Smyzer's Ramblings

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Eventually It Comes Out

As the days flow by, things that happened in years past, slowly, and I do mean slowly, begin to bubble to the surface. In [ the final analysis ] I think it will slowly be revealed that The Clinton Administration hosed this country as it pertains to identifying and doing something about active terrorists in this country back in the mid to late 90(s). And, it is becoming more and more apparent 'why' that party appointed Jamie Gorelick to the infamous 9/11 commission. Ms. Gorelick was an assistant Attorney General during those years of sweet bliss within the White House walls.

For that commission to look down their collective noses and say, implement this, and do that ad naseum, made me want to puke then, and actually swallow bile now. The more I think of Sandy (burglar) Berger stuffing papers in his pants, the madder I get. And Ms. Gorelick - I believe as the days go by, more than ever, she was placed on that commission for a reason... drip drip drip. It will come out, and that's fine.

In the meantime, the president stands alone, steadfast in the face of a media onslaught that at times has me yelling at the fricking screen. He (the president), has integrity, above all else. I'm behind him - it is tough at times but he appears to be man enough for the job. I'm thankful he has gonads.


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