John Smyzer's Ramblings

Sunday, July 24, 2005

The Ladies Bush and O'Connor

Sandra Day O'Connor and Laura Bush both commented on who the president selected to replace Justice O'Connor - the Justice 'after' the recent appointment and Ms. Bush 'before'. The media heard their comments totally differently than I and the media missed entirely the twinkle in their eyes.

Justice O'Connor was asked what she thought of Mr. Roberts - she said he was a "fabulous" selection but that he was not a woman. She was not angry in any sense - at least she did not portray herself that way. What did we hear on the news??? Justice O'Connor upset Bush did not select a woman. Balderdash!

Laura Bush was asked if she wanted the president to select a woman to replace Justice O'Connor - she replied - "Of course". And her eyes were just a twinkling and she had a lovely smile on her face. The media said The President had no choice but to name a woman, blah blah blah. Balderdash!!

I happened to have liked Justice O'Connor - I have no clue how prospective judge Roberts will be, and I would suggest neither does President Bush. He tried, umm, just like he said he would, to pick someone who will interpret law on the bench and not make law. That is the best he or any other president can do. Who knows whether or not Roberts will be a swing vote. If he is a steady deliberator, "I" will be happy.

One more time - President Bush has done (again), what he said he was going to do. The other side continually appears to be caught off guard by someone who says what he intends to do and follows through regardless polls etc.


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