John Smyzer's Ramblings

Thursday, November 06, 2008

Just Wondering

My mind works in funny ways at times I guess. After watching the total rapture in the faces of the mass assembled in the park the other night, I wondered... 'if' the political party of Mr. Obama were ' R ' instead of ' D ', would he have been investigated by the media of this country? Think about this for abit, and then consider prominent blacks in the ' R ' party. And if you can't think of any, you wouldn't see where I'm going anyway. I will guar-an-dang-tee he would have been ripped apart.

Now, as an American, I am wishing for a successful President Obama, and I do mean successful. If however, anyone things I will sit back and not speak my mind they have another think coming. He is not, in my opinion getting off to a good start by the selection of a cutthroat like Rahm Emanuel as his Chief of Staff. But, time will tell.


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