John Smyzer's Ramblings

Monday, October 27, 2008

Spreading The Umm - Whatever

So today I am attending my twice weekly tax course, the name of which will remain nameless at this point. I guess I was feeling abit froggy. A week or so ago, we had the mid-term exam and evidently several failed the test. Mr. Instructor stated they were going to have a retake of the same test in order to allow for getting to the required 80%. That is the premise for today's episode.

I don't even know why, but at break time I said, considering the current atmosphere of spreading the wealth in our political world, I have some extra points accumulated in my quizzes / tests. How about if we just spread our extra points around and thereby allow any and all to pass this heah course.

I was met with stony silence. Perhaps a murmur or two, but otherwise silence. Not quite sure how to interpret the response, but I thought I was doing my part to, shall we say, expose the spread the wealth phenomena going on in this country.


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