John Smyzer's Ramblings

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

I Guess It's Over

Most any poll one hears or looks at shows Mr. Obama in a landslide. I dunno. Speaking for myself I guess one just has to do what they feel is right.

I can honestly say as long ago as the Iowa primary that for a black man to win Iowa says allot. I have, at different times over the months, leaned toward the senator from Illinois. I had hoped to learn more about this man who could inspire an audience so well. Alas, nothing came - one would hear the innuendo about associations with terrorists, with his clergy, etc., but nothing concrete because the media refused to to their due diligence.

We know the media 'can' do investigative reporting because we have watched them dig up anything and everything on Joe The Plumber and Sarah Palin. So we know they can do it, and they didn't even have a head start in their respective cases. In the case of Mr. Obama we have clear videos of William Ayers, we have clear videos of Jeremiah Wright... we have clear video of Mr. Obama telling us what he is going to do to us and no real media follow-up to dig into what the result will be.

Just yesterday I 'finally' heard Mr. Obama concede that many do NOT pay federal income tax. FINALLY - I guess the somebody finally told him he can't give a tax cut to 95% of the people when nearly 40% already do not pay federal income tax. In his concession, he said, oh but they pay withholding and they pay property tax. I hate to be a realist here, but someone who does not pay federal income tax most likely does not have a house to pay property taxes on... oh, I forgot... anyone is entitled to a house... read as Fannie and Freddie. Oh what a wicked web we all weave.

So, in the final analysis, as much as I have disagreed with Mr. McCain over the years, I myself only have one way to go. I cannot in good conscience vote for Mr. Obama. My mother, bless her heart, told me over and over that people will judge you by who you associate with. Mr. Obama's associations over the years leave a chill in my gut. If I had no other reason but one, I would vote for Mr. McCain because of The United States Supreme Court. Talk about chills.

But... I guess it's over. It's OK... I will be able to sleep at night.


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