John Smyzer's Ramblings

Friday, October 03, 2008

The V.P. Debate

Loved it - do I think any votes were swayed? Nope. People (in my opinion) have their minds made up. There can always be an October surprise that can sway minds, but in general nothing a Veep candidate has to say is gonna sway anyone.

I do think Sarah's performance was good for women in general. For me, that was the best part. It has been interesting for me to watch other women tear down Ms. Palin ever since she was 'the pick'. Initially they (women) were caught off guard. It did not take long to realize it was not the fact she was a woman, it was the fact she 'is' a republican. Way too transparent to me. I have (at least tried) to treat any woman who worked with and or for me like one of the guys. To me it is and was common sense and it always served me well.

I thought Sarah missed a golden opportunity to plant some sort of seed about the global warming issue. When Joseph said he absolutely believed global warming was a result of man, I myself always wonder why there was an ice age, and then the big thaw. What caused these? I say, while man does indeed contribute to fouling the earth's atmosphere, the natural cycles on this earth are going to happen, period. I wish Palin had nailed Biden on this score.

Anyway, I loved this debate. Tina Fey will still portray Sarah as a dolt as will most of the mainstream. It's OK - she can handle herself and I admire her more than pre-debate, but I don't think even ONE democrat will change their vote, not one.

One other thing... I considered it an insult that pre-debate people were saying Joe had to be on his best behavior so as to not come across as 'talking down' to Sarah. In my gut I was wishing he would have attacked. I suspect you'd have seen her cut his legs off. Ha ha.


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