John Smyzer's Ramblings

Friday, January 12, 2007

Iraq - Again

I can't say I was 'inspired' by President Bush's speech the other night, but... I 'basically', still believe. I know, according to the polls I am in a distinct minority, but having been there most of my life, I'm quite content to remain in the minority.

One thing for sure; it matters not what decision Mr. Bush makes, it will be wrong. The people have evidently turned on him (not me), and no matter what direction he takes, he's wrong. To wit:
a) Get rid of Rummy and you will prove you are taking a new direction - he did, and...
b) Change course in Iraq - he has and...

I don't really mind myself... the opposition is now in power in congress - we will soon see their colors... I could predict but I think everyone knows. One thing stuns me every time I really stop and think about it... the rhetoric coming out of the opposition and the soldiers themselves seem to be keeping their focus. God bless them for their steadfastness, courage, and sticktuitiveness. It is going to be a loooong two years for the administration.


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