John Smyzer's Ramblings

Saturday, December 02, 2006

The Secret Memo

Tonight, NBC teased their lead as a leak of Defense Secretary Rumsfield's SECRET memo... the memo supposedly indicated Rummy had acknowledged things were not working in Iraq, and he was recommending a change of direction. Herewith a few thoughts on 'the memo'.

a) Why even bother with security anymore. Someone is leaking classified material. Someone should go to jail, period.
b) The memo was dated two days 'before' Mr. Rumsfield was [fired]. This indicates the wing nuts that everyone says would not change course were in fact recommending a change in course (or at least talking about doing so).
c) By the way - the infamous pledge to 'Stay The Course', does NOT mean we won't change the way we do things. It means staying till the job is done. I am quite tired of this statement being misinterpreted time and time again.

If anyone thinks the way we do things in Iraq have not changed daily, weekly, monthly they are whacked out. Wars and the way we fight them are fluid. The ONLY regret I personally have is that we do not end it, and yes, I mean precisely what you are thinking. We have the technology.


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