John Smyzer's Ramblings

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Election Day - High Noon

Voted early this morning - got it done and was home working in the yard by 8:30 - The Good Lord has blessed us with lovely weather and I just figured there is no excuse not to get the leaves up. Could use abit of rain - heh heh.

There will be charges of voter fraud where ever it is believed 'your' candidate is losing.
There will be calls to keep the polls open cause we just couldn't get in to vote
There will be stories of voters being disenfranchised.
There was a major call for getting rid of punch card ballots in Florida because a certain segment could not understand them. Now by the demand of the people, millions of dollars have been spent on mosheens in order to fix the punch card issue. Nobody is happy. Nor will they ever be.

To all of this I say horse pucky. And, I'm cooking some corned beef and cabbage this afternoon so I can hunker down tonight to watch. Sort of hope for an early night.


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