John Smyzer's Ramblings

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Drug Costs

So here a while back WalMart begins talking about $4.00 prescriptions. Sounds good. I wonder at the time what the other drug outlets will do. Hasn't taken long to find out - local grocers with a pharmacy are beginning to fall over themselves to offer the same price... makes my feeble mind begin to wonder and wander.
Can we all agree that the grocers are NOT going to give out $4.00 scripts and lose money? So to begin with the premise that they will still be making money, a question for the masses.
1) If the grocers are still making money by selling at $4.00, just how much profit were they making before?
2) Is it possible, just a widdle bit, that the dastardly drug companies are not quite so dastard? Hmmmm?
Let me be clear! I believe in free enterprise, BUT, I get tired of BIG OIL, BIG DRUG COMPANIES getting hammered. They just might not be as guilty as we are all led to believe. I know this much. If I am a WalMart stockholder, and $4.00 scripts made me lose my dividend, I'm taking my holdings and going elsewhere. So, do YOU think they are losing money on these offerings? I don't!!


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