A New Google Service
This is a test of a new Google service called 'Docs & Spreadsheets'. It is the beginning of Google taking 'away' from Microsoft in my opinion. I say, more power to them, and anyone who does not think it is happening has their head in the sand. Google has much to offer these days, all for free and it continues to grow almost daily. I have generated an email account there for when the day comes I leave my current ISP. While I won't be posting it publicly here, I will provide it to anyone reading this who is interested. And if 'you' would like a free GMAIL account, let me know and I will send you an invitation. Currently they provide almost 3GB of storage. Dunno how you would ever fill it up.
So, now that I have typed this (to include spell checking), I will post it to my blog, and since Google also owns the blogging service I utilize I [expect] this entry to integrate into the blog with ease.
Believe it or not, while I was typing above, my puter locked up... being aggravated thinking I had lost the two paragraphs above, I got the puter running again, logged back onto this service and guess what!!! Google, in their wisdom has automatic saving going on. Welllll, this is gitting more and more intersting. Yup, I do highly recommend Google, and again, if you want a free account, let me know and I will send you an invitation.
Your nephew, Matthew, is a big proponent of all things Google. He's turned me on to all of it's free services, including but not limited to, a free web page you can build. I already use Picasa and Hello for sending and storing photos. I'll be sending out a link to our bathroom remodel saga once it's complete. I already have a gmail account, so you don't need to send me a link! ;-)
Leetle Seester
Anonymous, at 1:25 PM
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