John Smyzer's Ramblings

Friday, October 20, 2006

Social Hypocrisy

So, for years and years we have been fed the pabulum that 'when the chillren' are abused while a child, whatever they do as an adult should be excused. Right? Haven't we??? Hmmmm????

Well!!! Turns out from the horses mouth no less that Mark Foley's priest massaged him nekkid when he was umm, oh, around 12 or 13..... so, is it not time after all the pabulum we were fed all those years to excuse his sorry butt??? Ha ha ha ha ha.. What fools we are - the hypocrites are strangely SILENT!!! Where are you?

And for the record - ONE MORE TIME. "I" do NOT excuse him, nor any of the other adults that commit social injustices. If you are insane, that is one thing... for a thinking adult, I simply don't buy into the junk we've been fed as a society that there is a 'reason' for their (an adult's) action(s). Tis called responsibility methinks.


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