John Smyzer's Ramblings

Monday, October 16, 2006


I listen to Rush Limbaugh - have since the early 80s - daughter #1 turned me onto him via his book 'See I Told You So'. Rush has always had the ability to put into words what I am thinking. Interestingly enough he generally makes me feel better also... by that I mean, he is usually very positive and upbeat. Why is this important? Probably isn't, but to illustrate - early this morning, like around 5 a.m. ish I was reading some left leaning blogs... seems there is really no reason to go to the voting booth as the dems have this puppy locked up. I go for my walk around 9 ish just to clear my head, come home, eat lunch at 10:30 ish and sit down to listen to Rushbo. Has me feeling at leas there is a fighting chance withing 15 minutes and I guess I am grateful.
Here's the thing. "I" nor nobody else knows what in the sam hill is going to happen on election day. This much I 'do' know. If the dems do not take control of what they think they should, they will hollar voter fraud... this is a given and to be expected. And, in the final analysis, no matter who wins, this Republic will continue to march forward one way or another. Some may not like the results but the American people usually get precisely what they want. As for me? At the moment I am slightly optimistic and can't even say why. Ha ha.
Later - listened to Neil Cavuto today; he had Dick Morris on - ole Dick said the dems would take 'both' the house and the senate and that as of 'today', Hillary would be President. Only 18 hours till Rush comes back on. : )


  • I'm sure Hillary was just waiting for Dick to give the green light before she throws her hat into the ring. :-)
    Leetle Seester

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:21 PM  

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