John Smyzer's Ramblings

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

The Aftermath - Elections 2006

Or was it a bloodbath - dunno, but a few observations:
a) Secretary Rumsfield will not be the only head to roll. The President is now (sad to say), like most predecessors, preparing for his legacy.
b) I was wrong thinking that illegal immigration was going to be 'the' issue of this election. The democrats were able to make the war 'the' issue. Now, they will bring forth a comprehensive immigration bill which the president 'will' sign.
c) Did you notice? I follow this junk... I am a junkie when it comes to politics. I watched / listened most of the day... did you notice - I guess because the democrats were successful. I did not hear even one example today about voter fraud. How about THAT!!!!!
d) There were no riots in the streets because of the election.
e) There were no talks of a coup or a government overthrow. We are fortunate to live in these United States. I have been in countries when an election was held and there was martial installed. The feeling amongst the people is, shall we say, spooky.
f) The stock market is at an all time high
g) The unemployment rate is 4.3% (considered full employment.
h) I retired 1 March - my net worth has increased each and every month since retirement and believe me when I say, I ain't no rich man. I wonder how that is... cain't figure it out.
i) Every dang restaurant we go to is packed. Economy sucks.
j) I am doggone glad that Lincoln Chafee lost.
k) Finally, it is clear that I do not know the pulse of America. My choice for mayor even lost. ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha... all I can say in summation. The republican party had their chance. From a very early age, after much observation, I said - if 'ever' the republicans get both the house and the senate and don't do something I will no longer care. That day has come - I will wander on towards the final phase of my life oblivious to this junk. Oh I will still observe; I now know it just does not matter.


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