John Smyzer's Ramblings

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

The Study Group

Will someone please enlighten me? What in the name of all that is holy, does Vernon Jordan and Sandra O'Connor know about the war in Iraq. For that matter, the group itself makes me wanna puke. I probably would except I have a good beef roast in the oven and it smells mighty fine.

Come on folks. There isn't even one military person in the group. William Perry was a former SECDEF but how long ago for crying in the sink!! Alan Simpson was always one of my heroes while in the Senate. Does he know war strategy? I think not. Do any of them know what our real enemy is? Namely Islamic fascism? Evidently not... is it possible when these folks 'were the power brokers', that they caused the mess we are in today? I don't know, and I guess I'm not accusing them, but... when they say we need to negotiate with Syria and Iran, I suspect they've been smokin something!!!

I dunno, methinks, and I think I've said this before - this country is going to have to endure at least one more tragedy the equivalent or worse of 9/11 before it gets the message. I am sorry to even believe it, but this is truly what I believe is ahead.


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