John Smyzer's Ramblings

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Ethnic Neighborhood Smells / Sights

I was out for an evening walk and while I have never even thought about the different ethnicities in this neighborhood, it is apparent they are here. First of all, the smells of freshly cut grass permeated the air. Mmm, I love the smell of fresh cut grass, lawn grass that is. :)

Anyway, I'm going along with my own belly full after supper. All of a sudden I distinctly smelled Chinese food. Dunno if it was carry-out or if someone was in stirring the pot, but it smelled wonderful... abit further and someone was grilling, just normal grilling, and then abit further and you could smell a smoker.

Funny the different things running through one's mind while out walking. I probably saw a minimum of four different ethnic groups while on this walk; it truly is what America is all about it seems to me. And yet, I then hoped they were all here legally.

By the time I got home and cooled down I need some peanut butter and celery.


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