John Smyzer's Ramblings

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

The Imus Debacle

Funny this issue should arise after I just made my comments yesterday on racism. A little irony in there somewhere.

When working, I used to be at my desk by 6 a.m. so that means I got up at 4:30. As such, I used to turn Imus on, and listen to him until I departed. I'd like to think I know what Imus is about. He takes 'no' prisoners in who he derides, be it republican or democrat. He professes to be a registered republican but if you've watched him for the past year he has definitely changed his stripes.

I basically quit watching Imus when I retired, but in the past six months I have again reverted to watching his show more or less to see and know what the 'other side' is about. It didn't hurt that the pablum we're fed via the mainstream just gets so tedious to watch, and I include FOX in that indictment. Anyway... I happened to be watching the show where he made the infamous 'nappy haired hos' comment. Didn't think a thing of it at the time; this is a normal type comment on his show. There are more outrageous things than that said on the show almost daily, albeit not since the controversy has risen. Since the controversy Imus has been a groveling weepy old man.

My main regret in what has taken place is the fact that Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton have driven the debate. Two of the biggest racists in this country... two men who could be such leaders to their people, and who have done little or nothing for their people. Imus has tried to slough this all off by saying his is a comedy show. Well let me tell you, he has called for Dick Cheney to be hung, for President Bush to be shot, and I will gar-un-gol-dang-tee you he was not spouting a comedy routine. And guess what... none, zero, notta, zilch, nyet... NO outrage from anyone in the media. In fact, [many] in the media, specifically from NBC appear on his show almost daily... point being they 'have' to be aware.

As I said at the beginning... I watch him these days to see what the other side is espousing... methinks his days are over. The bottom line is the sponsors, yes, it is all about the money... and after watching the Rutgers Team press conference today, I think there will be a swell calling for not only the two week time out, but for his firing. The irony of this is, when he made the comment, it 'was' a comedy routine between him and Bernard. Amazing the wicked web that has been woven.

One last note - on today's show, among his (Imus's), blubbering apologies, Imus made a statement that evidently I am the only one who heard. He said, and I quote. "I should not be fired, and I will not be fired without repercussions". He did not elaborate, but it sure made my ears perk up. Words do mean something, and "I" wonder just what repercussions means. :)


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