John Smyzer's Ramblings

Monday, March 12, 2007

Chuck Hagel

Over the course of time I have grown to despise this Senator. My main point of contention has always been his referring to the War on Terror as another Vietnam. Another Vietnam it is not, if for no other reason the number of G.I.s killed. I can very clearly remember weeks of upwards of 300-500 troops killed.

Anyway, over this past week, Hagel let it be known he was going to make a special announcement regarding his political future today, 12 March. All the local media was just absolutely sure he was announcing for president of these United States. So today, he has this news conference to announce that he would announce later in the year. What a farce.

Let me tell you what I really think happened. When he (Hagel) announced he was going to have this big announcement today, he was hoping for a groundswell which did not come. The local media began getting calls etc. from people who said there was no way they would vote for Hagel. I think the negatives for him were upwards of 60%, and that in his home state. I doubt if he will even win re-election to the Senate let alone run for President.

The Senate is indeed an elite club. For whatever reason (perhaps justifiable), many in that club actually begin to believe in their own importance. Hagel is one who has had a rude awakening in the heartland, and he durned well knows that people in this part of the country generally by and large speaketh truth.

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