John Smyzer's Ramblings

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

The Chicks

I am a country music fan... have been since oh, about 1963 time frame. Country music makes up the bulk of the music on my iPod. I happen to like the Dixie Chicks [sound]. Having said that, I have only heard them sporadically for the past year or so. And I definitely have not purchased any of their music in the past year plus.

So, I'm wondering just how they won country album of the year. I don't follow the musical grammy awards too closely, but when I heard The Chicks won all these awards I began to wonder who the pickers of the pickees were. Shoulda known I guess. It is the performers themselves. Methinks they are a little too cute and revealing by half.

I still like their sound; I just do not appreciate anyone going [outside] the borders of these United States and bad mouthing our President. That, by the way goes for 'any' President.

I have not taken previously purchased Chick music off my pod, but sometimes I click to the next song in the shuffle when they begin singing.

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