John Smyzer's Ramblings

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Her Highness

So I'm listening to The Speaker of The House on Greta's show last night... Greta was asking about the use of military aircraft to transport The Speaker back and forth to her district in San Francisco. Evidently this practice was begun post 9/11 for Speaker Hastert. I heard Speaker Pelosi respond and she was quite convincing in saying she did not need any aircraft, she would fly commercial thank you very much. She actually convinced me while listening.

So, who is telling the truth? Speaker Pelosi says she just wants a direct flight - because of this, there are those (un-named), who say she has requested a military equivalent of a Boeing 757. She of course denies this, and says she just wants one that will fly non-stop. Seems reasonable to me.

Oh, according to what I have read, the small jet Speaker Hastert flew has a range of 4,000 + miles. Slightly different than a 757. So whomever is telling the truth, as for me being the taxpayer I am, I prefer the small jetliner or let her fly commercial.

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