John Smyzer's Ramblings

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Walter Reed Continues

I am beginning to hear people now say, wellll, hmmmm, this has been going on for many many years. Oh really. That's what I've been trying to say. This is NOT new, any G.I. knows about the run-a-round. And while most G.I.s are not injured that just happens to be the group that has illuminated this issue.

And here is what will happen - our wonderful lawmakers will throw billions (that 'is' with a B) at the issue... that way, in oh, say about one, maybe two years there will be an investigation about the gross mis-use of funds. And the run-a-round will continue.

One last thing... anyone who has been 'in' or associated personally with the military knows this is true. And for any of them to say they were unaware? They are lying. This starts at the very TOP and goes right on down the chain of command. It is reality for G.I.s - and yet? I also know if one knows what button to push, you will be served.

Finally, I think the twenty years I spent in the military were definitely worth the benefits I receive today. I have no complaints 'because' I know what the reality of being a G.I. is, was, and will be.

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