John Smyzer's Ramblings

Friday, August 06, 2004

9/11 Commission

The 9/11 commission report is by all accounts a best seller. The interesting thing to me is, they (the commission) do not want to go away after supposedly completing their task. They now are 'demanding' that their recommendations be implemented carte blanche. Pullleeezze. And not only that, they want it done immediately!!

I give you, ladies and gentlemen, The Patriot Act. How many members of congress have you heard complaining about that piece of legislation? Too many to count. And I have actually heard many publicly state they never read it before voting for it's implementation. And they are howling about it on a daily basis. So now we want to do it again???

I think they had better slow the sam hill down, implementing what can be done immediately that which will not upset the applecart, and going mucho slower on those things that require much coordination.

Ms. Gorelick who was on the commission for goodness sake was one of those responsible for the stovepipe conditions that existed between the CIA and the FBI... "SHE" should have been a witness and not a member of the commission, but that is another subject.

Bottom line is, slow down, do it right.

P.S. Do you know 'anybody' that has been inconvenienced by The Patriot Act???? Me either! Just wondering.


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