John Smyzer's Ramblings

Friday, August 06, 2004

John McCain One More Time

I wish I could figure this fellow out. The democrat party is almost orgasmic over him and have been for months on end. Then when he stood up and endorsed Mr. Bush for re-election, they piped down, until the next time they needed him.

In this case it is the soldiers who have stood up against Mr. Kerry. McCain comes out and says they are a disgrace.... now, I suppose he is entitled to say that; I just wonder why he has not spoken out against the constant drip drip drip against President Bush... Joe Wilson (proven wrong), Michael Moore's so called documentary, - to my knowledge, and I pay quite close attention, not a disparaging word from Mr. McCain.

In fact, waaaay back there when the Senator from Arizona came home from Vietnam, in an interview he spoke out against John Kerry. It was in response to Kerry's affiliation with Jane Fonda and that group.... his (McCain's) thoughts being that those groups had given the VC incentive to continue on etc. And now???

Here is the deal folks... John Kerry is the one who brought the Viet Nam war to this campaign. "HE" is the one who espouses his four fricking months there. What in the world are we doing going back to 1969 when we are preparing to pick a President? And... are NOT Mr. Kerry's senatorial record a subject to address in this campaign? He devoted less than two minutes during his acceptance speech to the last 18-20 years of his life. Come on!! If you check just a little, you will see why.

So in conclusion Mr. McCain... I am getting sick and tired of your antics... I actually wish, you would pack your bags, go home to Arizona and take a rest. Quit straddling the fence. Take a stand my man. In short, BE a MAN!!


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