John Smyzer's Ramblings

Sunday, July 25, 2004

Democratic Convention

The convention begins tomorrow night - it is something I look forward to every four years... thank goodness for cable - the networks are allocating one hour per night during prime time.  If it were some off the wall reality show you could count on a minimum of two hours per night.  A sad sate of affairs we find ourselves in Dudley.

I read tonight that the DNC made Al Jazera take their banner down.  Al Jazera is covering the convention and I guess the Dems thought that might be a little out of line.  Lesse, we have George McGovern, Al Sharpton, Howard Dean, Al Gore, Hill and Bill, (President Clinton), Jesse Jackson.... need I go on???  There 'are' Democrats who speak common sense.  Why they insist on allowing those yahoos speak is beyond me.  I mean, I understand President Clinton, but some of the others?  Seems to me like they cut their own throats at times. Time will tell.


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