John Smyzer's Ramblings

Wednesday, July 07, 2004

Mr. Edwards

Before all the crapola starts, I want to be on the record that this guy gives me the creeps. And I do not mean starting today... I mean observing him during the primaries. He gives me the willies. It is going to be the class warfare thingy all over again. I dunno. I am very suspicious of anyone with that much money that wants to raise my taxes. He / they want to redistribute the incomes in this country... me no like.

And yes, "I" am for tort reform, capping the damages in lawsuits. People that get interviewed regarding this issue are always those who have been affected directly. I understand there are problems; I understand people lose loved ones, medical mistakes are not easily corrected. But doctors have to be able to get insurance, and they are dropping outta the profession like flies. You have to use common sense somewhere. Fire, as in NEVER let a specific doctor practice again... lock him up if you want... but to allow multi-million awards become the norm is outrageous.


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