John Smyzer's Ramblings

Monday, August 02, 2004

This Election is O V E R

I watched the Sunday news shows... after listening to them I concluded that Mr. Kerry and Mr. Edwards were going to be elected in a landslide. Feeling rather depressed, I put a pork loin on the grill, slathered with salsa and a jar of roasted red peppers and fresh onions. Also cut up a large zucchinni squash, battered and fried it for dinner. The loin was very tasty, the sweetcorn was indeed sweet, but I had a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach. And thennnnnnn I woke up Monday morning and heard that instead of getting the normal bump from their convention, President Bush actually made up ground in the first polls after the democrat convention. What???? How can that be??? Could it be one more example of why the viewership of the networks continues to fall? Methinks that may be a reason.
So, today I will eat left over pork tenderloin and savor the flavor one more time. While nobody can predict the election results, I feel better this morning thinking about the chances.


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