John Smyzer's Ramblings

Friday, July 30, 2004

War Mongering Democrats

I am totally mystified (ha ha) with the war mongering democrat party. Why, you'd think OBL is shaking in his boots with the thought he is going to be hunted down. These guys are too much. To think these guys are going to be hard on terrorism when they BOTH were two of I think twelve senators to vote 'against' paying for the troops in Iraq. Simply amazing.

I watched nearly the entire convention - the only thing they are saying is Kerry served in Viet Nam. His life evidently did not exist from the time he got back until today... Viet Nam??? The democrats??? Ya gotta be kidding me.... all this does is VERIFY their absolute hate for President Bush. I think hate is the only possible word for their actions... no mention of abortion, no mention of global warming, no mention of much of anything except what a war hero he was.... well, not in my mind. And if you believe this guy is going to back the military, he's going to have to change the course he has followed for the past 20 years in the United States Senate... he has voted against every weapon system that is currently in use. He was ON the intelligence committee for crying out loud... both he and Edwards, and you are telling me they think they were lied to???? Love it. Love the fact they are admitting their ignorance.


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