John Smyzer's Ramblings

Monday, August 09, 2004

If Kerry Should Win

In my mind, "IF" John Kerry should win the election there may be at least one good thing. That is, he is almost locked in to the fact he must continue the war on terrorism. The democratic party, for the first time in 'my' memory is portraying themselves as a 'War Party'. Do I really believe it? Not until it is proven to me, but if nothing else, their portraying themselves as the War Party is an admission that apeasement is no longer the way America will do business.

The more you think about it folks... President Bush, in his very first speeches post 9/11 talked about the axis of evil, and named the countries. Guess what... he has been proven right; The President said this war will go on for many years and will be fought in ways never before fought. Right again. Everybody seems to forget just what insight he had at an early stage. It appears even the democrat party has seen at least a partial light. The simple fact is, 'no' president can guarantee there will not be other attacks on this country, but they will be judged on the action or lack thereof they take.


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