Rush and Michael
I'm thinking Rush blew it this past week, and since I was listening when he said it, I knew he himself knew it within about five minutes. You have to be a longtime listener to pick up the nuances in his voice, but he definitely knew it in short order. You could pick up the slight change in demeanor as he fought to find the precise words without losing the original point.
Here's what I 'think' happened. For his subscribers you can watch via a web cam Rush do his show. He talks using his hands; I understand this as I do also (or at least I think I do). Anyway, the person listening did not get the affect of those watching, and I bet a hundred bucks someone wrote him an instant message and said it looked very bad. The words he spoke were dead on, the video made it appear he was making fun of Mr. Fox. He wasn't... he was using Fox's own words to 'wonder' if he (Fox) was off his meds. Nothing can change the perception the video portrays, but were you listening to the whole show, you would have known he was not making fun of Michael's Parkinson's Disease.
What makes it so frustrating for someone like me is the political aspect. To prove this point, Fox supports the senatorial candidate in Maryland who has voted [against] embryonic stem cell research (Cardin). But, he's a democrat so, oh well.
Several years ago, I was sitting in a parking lot waiting for my wife - I think she was in a doctor's office, that part I can't remember. Regardless, I was listening to Rush while she was inside. I distinctly remember when she came out, telling her there was something wrong with Rush. Something in his voice. Found out two weeks later he was going deaf and would be 'totally' deaf within two months. Just little nuances in his voice alerted me to this - what is the point?
I have listened to this guy along time - he is not racist as many proclaim... he does not make fun of peoples disabilities - he does say things that allow easy selection of soundbites... picking single sentences that make all these things appear to be so. You 'do' have to listen to understand these things. Here is the best example of this I can offer.
Many people who call in say "mega dittos Rush". Now, the 'media' would have you believe that mega dittos means the caller agrees with everything Rush says... couldn't be further from the truth. Mega dittos originated at least fifteen years ago... a caller proclaimed she just loved the show, and the next caller said the same thing, in fact she said, "mega dittos to what the last caller said". Hence the term was born, meaning I Love The Show and nothing more. After all these years, the media can't get even that little [f a c t] correct.
Is he a saint? Nope, and again, there are many days / times I have my disagreements with Rush. But, in general - he is able to articulate better than anyone in my lifetime, my own thoughts. Sometimes I don't even know I'm thinking it when he says it. Ha Ha. Mega dittos Rush!!