John Smyzer's Ramblings

Thursday, October 28, 2010

This’n That

   I absolutely love these situations where the League of Women Voters who are moderating debates get shouted down for not wanting to recite the Pledge of Allegiance before a debate. I love it!!!

   The President’s appearance on the John Stewart show last night was one thing; John Stewart referring to The President as ‘Dude’ to his face is quite another.  Shows just how far we have come.  It embarrassed me, dunno about you.

   My gal Joy Behar referring to Sharon Angle as a ‘bitch’ has resulted in Ms. Angle raising an additional 300K just since the incident.   On todays ‘The View’ Joy retracted her usage of the word ‘Bitch’ as she used it on Ms. Angle.  Joy said the gals on ‘The View’ were her ‘bitches’, e.g. friends and Ms. Angle definitely is not my friend.  Just so happens the word ‘bitch’ can be used as both a loving term and as it was intended by Joy the first time.  For me, the only consolation I see is, Behar’s show on HLN is running dead last with a grand total of 339,000 viewers this past week.  You do indeed reap what you sew “Joy”.

   President Bush will soon be out on the talk show circuit pushing his book.  I will bet you my last $ you will not find The President slamming his successor.  Just an example of someone who tries to do it right. I so wish other former ‘living’ presidents would do the same. 

Monday, October 25, 2010

Things I Wonder

   I wonder if Rachel Maddow had even one thing decent to say about any Republican, she might be abit more believable.  Now, she ‘used’ to say half-way decent things about McCain [until he became the nominee] for his party. Even just a teensie weensie bit of fairness would go along way Rachel. I wonder ‘why’ cities and states would begin going down this slippery road.  You absolutely know where this is going.  Sad.

   I continue to wonder why the Democrat Party wastes their time focusing on candidates like Christine O’Donnel if there is nothing to worry about.  Do I think she will win?  No – do I think she ‘can’ win?  Yes. But, according to them there is absolutely no chance so why do they waste appearances by their big guns, and spend money against her?  Does that make any sense? I wonder why I am actually surprised when a network actually says something critical about the state of affairs under President Obama.  Were the previous president in office, the weeping, wailing, and gnashing of teeth would be horrific!  Truth be told, I am NOT surprised it took so long.

   I wonder ‘why’, it appears the voters of California would elect a career politician over someone who has been successful in American private enterprise.  Ole Jerry has been in politics virtually his whole life. There could be no clearer record than his.  It just makes me wonder and wander aimlessly down life’s path.

   I wonder if Brett Favre is now sorry he came back this year [AGAIN].  His phenomenal season last year was indeed something to behold. I had hoped he’d not come back last year, but he proved me wrong.  Forget his voice and picture mail situation; I would bet my last dollar he is now sorry he came back for one more year.  Further, he may not make it through this season.  He may suddenly develop serious injuries.  The sad part?  We will now remember him as he now is, and not as he once was.  Go home Brett.

   Assuming the GOP takes control of either or both Houses of Congress, I wonder if they will change leadership.  Personally I vote for a clean slate, and as clearly as I can say it, it is because I do not believe the current GOP leadership.  I’d prefer new blood, PERIOD!!

Friday, October 22, 2010

Our Man Juan

   First and foremost, Juan was ‘right’!  If you are in an airport, you see Muslims “in garb” preparing to board your plane, and you do not get a flutter, or at least a sense of anticipation in your inner self, you are either lying or you are dead.  He was right!  Can’t say it any plainer than that, and that is precisely what Juan did on Bill’s show. I know; I was watching. 

   I have watched Juan for a minimum of ten years.  I disagree with him more than I agree.  One thing I can honestly say.  He is always fair in his presentation.  He will listen, and I have seen him concede a point when shown the light.  At times he infuriates me when he gets me to ‘see the dark light’ from the other side, but he has made me do so on occasion. 

   I used to have a young lad work for me who listened to NPR as his only source of news.  I listen to NPR because I want to hear other side on occasion.  That’s right. I KNOW before turning it on what their side will be, but I want to hear it now and then.  Well the lad was generally angry much like the peeps who work at NPR seem to be.  In general they never want to hear the other side.  They just want to slam those wascally Republicans.

   It is indeed a sad commentary that NPR – National Public Radio will not allow what they perceive to be, another view to be heard.  For crying out loud, Juan has, for the most part spewed NPR’s side during his appearances on FOX.  FOX, those dirty scummy S.O.B.s. NOW we are getting to the nub of the issue. NPR should be totally ashamed of themselves. 

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Bits’n Pieces

   Regardless the outcome, it is heartening to see old entrenched politicians having to spend money (I mean real money) in order to try and protect their turf.  When people like Steny Hoyer and Barney Frank actually have to spend money in their campaigns, something is brewing.  Barney threw in 200K of his own money and his challenger is within four points.  Is the reality of Fannie and Freddie and who orchestrated that fiasco ‘finally’ getting through?

   I am sticking by my statement the GOP would rather NOT win the Senate.  “IF” the GOP takes ‘both’ the House and Senate, that means they would actually have to govern and ‘force’ The President to exercise his veto.  If the Senate stays Democrat they can at least say they are opposed to crapola generated by the opposition.  2012 is the ultimate goal regardless.  In this case – <gridlock is good>.

   I am a Clarence Thomas fan.  I cannot for the life of me figure out why his wife Virginia would bother to call Anita Hill.  Just saying.  As far as I am concerned, Gov. Christie – NJ is making all the right moves.  Someone with a backbone.  Where are they?  Perhaps he will begin a trend. 

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Oh–By The Way

   Did you know there are no {shovel ready} jobs?  Never were according to President Obama.  You do have to go down about seven paragraphs to find his admission.  Holy Cow!!! Can you remember how that term was drilled into our heads??!!!

   If you want to watch something we were NEVER taught in school, something I did not know, and I suspect you didn’t either, watch this video about a church I never heard of before.

I bet you never knew of this; I didn’t.   I have never seen a President attack the Chamber of Commerce before.  ‘Any’ thoughts throughout my life regards The Chamber have always centered on their bringing new business to the community.  That automatically makes them suspect to our President it would seem. I watched Face The Nation this past week and Shieffer said “is that all you got”, it spoke volumes. The can’t produce one shred of proof to the charge.  One thing we do know. BP is a foreign company.  BP contributed more to Obama than any other oil company. 

Thursday, October 07, 2010

Rambling Along Life’s Path   This is the latest from Rasmussen Poll indicating what I said back on 17 March 2008.  It was sad to me then to see what was obvious, and is even sadder now.  It is ironic how the election of Mr. Obama has set ‘back’ race relations in this country. The companies being offered a waivers to the new healthcare requirements ‘should’ open eyes.  If you cannot see the ultimate goal is a single payer system, your head is in the sand.  Single payer was the goal from the beginning and it is going to happen… period.  Do not forget Ms. Pelosi’s words when she said – “we have to pass the health care bill so that you can find out what’s in it”.

Just a note of wonderment – with almost all the drilling in the Gulf of Mexico at a standstill, and oil at $85.00 per barrel at this writing, can you explain how gas prices are not higher than they are?  Just wondering. I dunno if Dick Morris (who naturally offends me), is smoking something or he is on the money, but he now says the Republicans are poised to take the Senate (along with the House).  I will say this – Morris was ‘the first’ to predict [large] gains by the GOP in the House, and he has never waivered from that position.  I heard him predict this at ‘least’ thirty days ago, probably longer.  I will say again… assuming he is correct, the GOP will then have to govern.  They will be fighting a President’s veto pen for sure, but… people must remember who controls the <m o n e y>.  Congress!!!  Will they have the courage?  They didn’t before; will they now?  Time will tell.

Wednesday, October 06, 2010

Things That Make My Teeth Hurt

   People who want to tax tax tax corporations citing the corporations greed, and then praising the ‘same’ corporations when they donate big bucks to a cause the critics believe in – just make durned sure it is a cause ‘they’ believe is good. 

   Political Polls – the polls for this upcoming election range from the GOP barely winning, to the GOP winning in a landslide.  Who in the sam hill actually believes these things?  I think a prediction or two could easily be in order, but there is ‘no’ way there should be such disparity between the pollsters… <UNLESS>, and we all know this to be true… the pollsters are politically driven.  This should tell any thinking Americano all they need to know.  The one thing I do believe is the taxpaying public is pissed.  Accordingly, I think they are energized which will result in a shift of power. That’s what I think.

   Political ads – I have activated my mute button.  I’m thinking if they would at least play ‘different’ ads, but nooo, they are the same ones,  over, and over, and over again.  My mute finger has a callous.  Do not the politicians think after a certain point they literally are offending people?  I think so.

   The media’s bullying phenomena – except it is NOT.  Bullying has been around, is around, and always will be around.  It is human nature… it does not mean I agree with it in ‘any’ way.  I just know it will always be with us until we turn to dust.  I don’t give a hang if they call it bullying, a crime, or for goodness sakes, a hate crime.  It is around and always will be around.

   And finally, if indeed the tsunami for the GOP does in fact come, they are going to have to govern.  At that time, if the GOP has the gonads to do what is right, the real gnashing of teeth will begin, and it will not be mine. 

Friday, October 01, 2010

My Man Rupert Murdoch

   The headline:  Rupert Murdoch calls for Amnesty for ‘Law-Abiding’ Illegal Immigrants.

   Does ‘anyone’ who went to at least the fifth grade see anything wrong with this?  I mean, if indeed the immigrant is here illegally, haven’t they already ‘broken’ the law? 

   Regardless, if you want to read the article, here is the link:  I don’t really care what it says; I just try to read words, and this headline makes zero sense.