John Smyzer's Ramblings

Monday, October 25, 2010

Things I Wonder

   I wonder if Rachel Maddow had even one thing decent to say about any Republican, she might be abit more believable.  Now, she ‘used’ to say half-way decent things about McCain [until he became the nominee] for his party. Even just a teensie weensie bit of fairness would go along way Rachel. I wonder ‘why’ cities and states would begin going down this slippery road.  You absolutely know where this is going.  Sad.

   I continue to wonder why the Democrat Party wastes their time focusing on candidates like Christine O’Donnel if there is nothing to worry about.  Do I think she will win?  No – do I think she ‘can’ win?  Yes. But, according to them there is absolutely no chance so why do they waste appearances by their big guns, and spend money against her?  Does that make any sense? I wonder why I am actually surprised when a network actually says something critical about the state of affairs under President Obama.  Were the previous president in office, the weeping, wailing, and gnashing of teeth would be horrific!  Truth be told, I am NOT surprised it took so long.

   I wonder ‘why’, it appears the voters of California would elect a career politician over someone who has been successful in American private enterprise.  Ole Jerry has been in politics virtually his whole life. There could be no clearer record than his.  It just makes me wonder and wander aimlessly down life’s path.

   I wonder if Brett Favre is now sorry he came back this year [AGAIN].  His phenomenal season last year was indeed something to behold. I had hoped he’d not come back last year, but he proved me wrong.  Forget his voice and picture mail situation; I would bet my last dollar he is now sorry he came back for one more year.  Further, he may not make it through this season.  He may suddenly develop serious injuries.  The sad part?  We will now remember him as he now is, and not as he once was.  Go home Brett.

   Assuming the GOP takes control of either or both Houses of Congress, I wonder if they will change leadership.  Personally I vote for a clean slate, and as clearly as I can say it, it is because I do not believe the current GOP leadership.  I’d prefer new blood, PERIOD!!


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