John Smyzer's Ramblings

Thursday, October 07, 2010

Rambling Along Life’s Path   This is the latest from Rasmussen Poll indicating what I said back on 17 March 2008.  It was sad to me then to see what was obvious, and is even sadder now.  It is ironic how the election of Mr. Obama has set ‘back’ race relations in this country. The companies being offered a waivers to the new healthcare requirements ‘should’ open eyes.  If you cannot see the ultimate goal is a single payer system, your head is in the sand.  Single payer was the goal from the beginning and it is going to happen… period.  Do not forget Ms. Pelosi’s words when she said – “we have to pass the health care bill so that you can find out what’s in it”.

Just a note of wonderment – with almost all the drilling in the Gulf of Mexico at a standstill, and oil at $85.00 per barrel at this writing, can you explain how gas prices are not higher than they are?  Just wondering. I dunno if Dick Morris (who naturally offends me), is smoking something or he is on the money, but he now says the Republicans are poised to take the Senate (along with the House).  I will say this – Morris was ‘the first’ to predict [large] gains by the GOP in the House, and he has never waivered from that position.  I heard him predict this at ‘least’ thirty days ago, probably longer.  I will say again… assuming he is correct, the GOP will then have to govern.  They will be fighting a President’s veto pen for sure, but… people must remember who controls the <m o n e y>.  Congress!!!  Will they have the courage?  They didn’t before; will they now?  Time will tell.


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