This’n That
I absolutely love these situations where the League of Women Voters who are moderating debates get shouted down for not wanting to recite the Pledge of Allegiance before a debate. I love it!!!
The President’s appearance on the John Stewart show last night was one thing; John Stewart referring to The President as ‘Dude’ to his face is quite another. Shows just how far we have come. It embarrassed me, dunno about you.
My gal Joy Behar referring to Sharon Angle as a ‘bitch’ has resulted in Ms. Angle raising an additional 300K just since the incident. On todays ‘The View’ Joy retracted her usage of the word ‘Bitch’ as she used it on Ms. Angle. Joy said the gals on ‘The View’ were her ‘bitches’, e.g. friends and Ms. Angle definitely is not my friend. Just so happens the word ‘bitch’ can be used as both a loving term and as it was intended by Joy the first time. For me, the only consolation I see is, Behar’s show on HLN is running dead last with a grand total of 339,000 viewers this past week. You do indeed reap what you sew “Joy”.
President Bush will soon be out on the talk show circuit pushing his book. I will bet you my last $ you will not find The President slamming his successor. Just an example of someone who tries to do it right. I so wish other former ‘living’ presidents would do the same.
The only reason Oprah is having him on her show to plug the book is because he won't be slammin' her beloved Obama.
Tootsie, at 11:11 AM
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