The Last Chance
As far as I am concerned, if the Republican Party does not get spending under control in this two year upcoming period, I am going to change my registration to independent. Over the course of time, that is a minimum of 30 years... I've always said if the republicans ever got control of it all and they didn't get spending under control, it would show me they were porkers just like the other side. Well, they are certainly doing everything they can to prove they are up to spending like whatever adjetive you can dig up. I was willing to give them a break immediately after 9/11, and it will 'not' be easy, but the hard decisions need to be made.
Something is wrong when they can throw together an all encompassing bill with one liners in there adding billions to the budget. The system is broken it would appear. And President Bush needs to git mean and veto some of this junk. Perhaps I'll give him a jingle - it's gitting outta hand!! I get so so sick when people say Bill Clinton balanced the budget. First of all, he never would have done it had there not been a republican congress. Presidents do not balance the budget, congress does. The republicans have now been in power in The House for nigh on 10 years. They are finally starting to understand power after not having any for 40+ years. And sadly, they are beginning to feed at the trough just like their predecessors.
Very sad and disillusioning to a young lad such as myself. Bottom line is, they can not say they didn't have a chance. The People will run them out the door, and it may be sooner than later.