John Smyzer's Ramblings

Sunday, November 28, 2004

The Last Chance

As far as I am concerned, if the Republican Party does not get spending under control in this two year upcoming period, I am going to change my registration to independent. Over the course of time, that is a minimum of 30 years... I've always said if the republicans ever got control of it all and they didn't get spending under control, it would show me they were porkers just like the other side. Well, they are certainly doing everything they can to prove they are up to spending like whatever adjetive you can dig up. I was willing to give them a break immediately after 9/11, and it will 'not' be easy, but the hard decisions need to be made.

Something is wrong when they can throw together an all encompassing bill with one liners in there adding billions to the budget. The system is broken it would appear. And President Bush needs to git mean and veto some of this junk. Perhaps I'll give him a jingle - it's gitting outta hand!! I get so so sick when people say Bill Clinton balanced the budget. First of all, he never would have done it had there not been a republican congress. Presidents do not balance the budget, congress does. The republicans have now been in power in The House for nigh on 10 years. They are finally starting to understand power after not having any for 40+ years. And sadly, they are beginning to feed at the trough just like their predecessors.

Very sad and disillusioning to a young lad such as myself. Bottom line is, they can not say they didn't have a chance. The People will run them out the door, and it may be sooner than later.

Monday, November 22, 2004

The Second Term

Who knows how it will all end, BUT, this president's second term is probably going to be different than any of 'us' remember. Why? There will be no attempt to succeed him by his Vice President. What does this mean? To me it means The President does not need to worry about politics like most of his predecessors have. He has a little over two years to get the major things done. After that, he will be the lamest of ducks. Mr. Cheney has publically stated he has no urges for higher office, so when Mr. Bush is gone, so to will be the Vice President. This means they can be bolder than many in the past.

So what 'will' be the plan of attack? Doubt any of us know. I have said for many years, even though it is a crap shoot, the appointments to The Supreme Court are the single most important thing to come out of The Presidency. 'This' president may just get three. All the garbage about Roe v. Wade is just that.... if in fact, President Bush has no litmus test, and if in fact he appoints a judge who INTERPRETS the law and does not MAKE law, then any judge he appoints will know that Roe V. Wade 'IS' law. I personally hate abortion... my daughters biggest accomplishment (in my mind) was taking responsibility and bringing my grandson Ryan into this world. 'She' made the decision; I can remember the night she told me like yesterday. I remember at the time I only had 'one' question for her... are you going to keep it; she said yes, and I told her that was all I wanted to know [that night]. It was a tough time, but I love that boy, and he may just be President one day, charmer that he is.

So what is Mr. Bush's agenda for the second term?
1) permanent tax reform (this will not dissuade anyone from giving more to the tax man if they so choose).
2) The holy grail, social security. I'm old enough that it will be there for me... I doubt it will be there for my grandchildren unless fixed. They (politicians) have known for years it 'has' to be done - none have had the courage. Mr. Bush, not having to worry about re-election 'may' just get it done.
3) Funny how The President during that State of The Union address where he identified The Axis of Evil has been proven correct. So, having gotten Iraq, and the next few weeks are critical to its success, will President Bush have the courage to press on - Iran, North Korea - what is coming there? It is an interesting state of affairs; I am looking forward to see just how it plays out. One things for absolutely sure - this Mr. Bush fellow has gonads!!

Friday, November 19, 2004

Wrong on Nov 5 Enry

Welp, Senator Spector is gonna be seated. I did not think he would be able to hold on but I do suspect he has 'seen the light'. :) He has now publicly stated that the judges The President sends up will get a quick and fair hearing. Folks, THAT is all one can ask. The issue, prior to all the heat sent up to the congress was Specter's ability to sandbag the nominees. I will settle for a quick and fair hearing, and as far as I'm concerned, that is the American way!

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Bloodletting at The Agency Continues

Resigning by the numbers at the Central Intelligence Agency... good, about time! I read a very interesting editorial today by Brooks of The New York Times... he said, Bush has opponents, and Bush has enemies... the Democrats are his opponents, insiders at the CIA are his enemies. Many of these people were rooting for a Kerry victory and did strategic leaking leading up to the election. They were rather blatant about it, and now that The President has been re-elected, he'd be a fook were he to not purge The Agency.

Next? The State Department...

Monday, November 15, 2004

CIA Shakeup

Dunno what Portor Goss is doing since taking over, but if the old guard is leaving, I'd say, it's about time. I get the biggest kick out of those that leave and then blame what is currently taking place as their reason for doing so. That, and they speak ill of the way the agency is being run. Well, my question is, where was the CIA as far back ad the marine barracks in Lebonan? There have been failure after failure after failure in the intelligence community over the course of years. In my mind, it is indeed time to clean it out, start afresh and get people who are accountable.
The State Department is the same way. I don't know of anyone who will speak ill of Colin Powell; In fact I have some mixed feelings about him leaving the administration. Mr. Powell has been a good soldier, pun intended. The problem is, and has been for many years, the lower level folks within the department who are politically motivted... leaking, twisting, in order to influence public opinion. I suspect you will see a bunch of them resign/retire also.... and again, it is time.

Thursday, November 11, 2004

Yas Suh

Yassar is gone - I'm not sure I have 'ever' in my life said good riddance to a human, not even those mass murderers that occasionally come into being. Yassar? I hope his 72 virgins all look like Janet Reno, and that all he sees is their backside. This guy was a killer, he used his people's money to promote terrorism. And the world gave him the Nobel Peace Prize! The world should be ashamed. Mm, second time today I've used that word ashamed.

I had a running battle with a boss man in Aurora CO today... when I'd finally had enough, I told him I was busy and goodby... literally hung up on him. The middle man in our cuss / discussion finally sent me an email regarding the issue. I wrote him back and said... there are very few times I've ever been ashamed of my company... today was one. Dunno how that correlates to Yasssar but...I'm still glad he's gone. And I'm glad that President Bush had the gonads to say to the world, he would no longer negotiate with the scum (my word).

Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Mr. Ashcroft - The Court

I really don't have a dog in the hunt, but I have 'never' understood the hate John Ashcroft generates. Nobody every really points to anything specific. They will say things about people getting information on what you are reading in the library, they will talk about The Patriot Act. I guess I am sorry to see him go - comparing him to Janet Reno, when I think of all the underhanded garbage' that went on during her tenure I shudder.

I don't really think The President will appoint Clarence Thomas as Chief Justice. I wouldn't have a problem if he did, just don't think he will... it is wonderful to hear the squirming regarding the rumors though. ha ha. I heard an interesting speculation today, and I think it could be a sleeper. Ted Olsen who was the Solicitor General up until a few months ago. His wife Barbara was on the plane that went into the Pentagon on 9/11. I used to see her on many talk shows; I really liked her.

Friday, November 05, 2004

The Judiciary

Senator Arlen Specter of PA won't even know what has run over him. He is in line to chair The Judiciary Committee in the Senate. Waaaaay back there, he backed the denial of seating Robert Bork on The Supreme Court.

During this past primary season (and I do realize it is all political), President Bush went to PA and campaigned 'for' Senator Specter against an up and comer. The President's thoughts were that perhaps Specter could help carry Pennsylvania. Didn't happen and Specter was re-elected. Now he's in line to send up the judges The President wants for "THE COURT". And he's let it be known he may inject a teensy weensy litmus test in there. Wham... he will not know what hit him me thinks. The Senate has been bombarded these past couple days with people objecting, and I suspect they may not even sit him in that choice position.

Folks, the Supreme Court, above 'all else' to be considered in this election, IS the reason for having elected President Bush, and 'he' only wants those that interpret, not make law. Very simple, and to the point.

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

The Aftermath

Some of the best lines I heard today.

Sung to the tune of 'Who Let The Dogs Out'....
'Who's in the White House'? BUSH BUSH BUSH BUSH BUSH BUSH

It's over because John Edwards wife is singing.

Perhaps Mr. Kerry will let The President read all the secret plans he had ginned up.

The two biggest winners? In my opinion, knocking Jim Daschle out of S. Dakota was major. The second big winner was the American people because there will be no litmus test when making appointments to the Supreme Court. Mr. Kerry had openly stated his possible nominees to any court would have to back Roe v. Wade. Just becasue Presiden Bush will have some appointments does not guarentee 'good' nominees, but the odds are more in the peoples favor.

The biggest losers? - michael moore - bruce springsteen - barbara striesand - the hollywood elite - P Diddy - Mainj Stream Media - Dan Rather - Interesting enough... were any of these folks to all of a sudden push their views and do it in a rational manner, I might be suceptible to vote for them, but obviously that is not the case.

All in all, I am very content with the outcome, but you should ALL remember, TOMORROW the Stop Hillary compaign begins. Saddle up and, Let's Roll!



Thank you Lord

Tuesday, November 02, 2004


It is 9 minutes to 9... The President has 170 electoral votes, and Mr. Kerry 112... no surprises at this moment except to say how close Missouri is running. If you get the chance, and I do not know how long this link will work, this will give you goose bumps:

Anyway... I dunno how long I will stick with this tonight. The older I get, the easier it is to just go to bed and leave it to a higher power. :) It does sound like there are major problmes in Florida, Pennsylvania, and Ohio.

When I went to the polls at 3 PM I waltzed right in, did my thing and out the door... no lines, no snafus of any kind.

I find this election so frustrating... there are many things President Bush has done that aggravate me, chief among them Iraq. Not because he went, because he is not, has not unleashed the power to win the dang thing. In my mind, it is time to level Fallujah, send a message to those folks. Regardless of all that, I simply can not understand anyone who has followed them both, how they could vote for Mr. Kerry.

Regardless, at 9:05 PM, should Mr. Kerry pull this out, I will support him, at least until he shows me I can't. It really is an amazing thing to watch the process unfold.

God bless America on this and future days.

Monday, November 01, 2004


I am so confused by the polls I'm going to try and not listen during the day tomorrow. They are driving me slowly to insanity. I realize I am biased: I can not understand why this election is so close.

I defy 'anyone' to tell me three things, just three that Mr. Kerry accomplished in 20 years in the United States Senate. Puleeeze, why has not the media probed his background? As I write this, I have a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach. I want to cry out to a higher power to not let this happen. With the next breath I say, what will be will be.

Truth be known, in the final analysis, what worries me the most is The Supreme Court and the new appointments that will come in the next four years. This will affect our country for 40 years, and while realize I won't be hanging around to endure, my grandchildren will.