John Smyzer's Ramblings

Thursday, November 11, 2004

Yas Suh

Yassar is gone - I'm not sure I have 'ever' in my life said good riddance to a human, not even those mass murderers that occasionally come into being. Yassar? I hope his 72 virgins all look like Janet Reno, and that all he sees is their backside. This guy was a killer, he used his people's money to promote terrorism. And the world gave him the Nobel Peace Prize! The world should be ashamed. Mm, second time today I've used that word ashamed.

I had a running battle with a boss man in Aurora CO today... when I'd finally had enough, I told him I was busy and goodby... literally hung up on him. The middle man in our cuss / discussion finally sent me an email regarding the issue. I wrote him back and said... there are very few times I've ever been ashamed of my company... today was one. Dunno how that correlates to Yasssar but...I'm still glad he's gone. And I'm glad that President Bush had the gonads to say to the world, he would no longer negotiate with the scum (my word).


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