John Smyzer's Ramblings

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

The Aftermath

Some of the best lines I heard today.

Sung to the tune of 'Who Let The Dogs Out'....
'Who's in the White House'? BUSH BUSH BUSH BUSH BUSH BUSH

It's over because John Edwards wife is singing.

Perhaps Mr. Kerry will let The President read all the secret plans he had ginned up.

The two biggest winners? In my opinion, knocking Jim Daschle out of S. Dakota was major. The second big winner was the American people because there will be no litmus test when making appointments to the Supreme Court. Mr. Kerry had openly stated his possible nominees to any court would have to back Roe v. Wade. Just becasue Presiden Bush will have some appointments does not guarentee 'good' nominees, but the odds are more in the peoples favor.

The biggest losers? - michael moore - bruce springsteen - barbara striesand - the hollywood elite - P Diddy - Mainj Stream Media - Dan Rather - Interesting enough... were any of these folks to all of a sudden push their views and do it in a rational manner, I might be suceptible to vote for them, but obviously that is not the case.

All in all, I am very content with the outcome, but you should ALL remember, TOMORROW the Stop Hillary compaign begins. Saddle up and, Let's Roll!


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