John Smyzer's Ramblings

Friday, October 15, 2004

The 3rd Debate

OK - I've watched them all - I've now been told that Mr. Bush lost all three. Umm, I guess I have my head in the sand somewhere. The first one? Perhaps, although for the first half of even that one, The President kicked some bootie, (in my mind anyway).

I think what one must keep in their mind is this. It is to the media's advantage to portray this as a horse race. And in fact it may well be a horserace. All I'm saying is, I watched the debates, all of them; The President did not get his butt kicked in any way shape or form. In fact, except for the last 1/2 of the first one, I would rate The President's performance above Mr. Kerrys.

One other thing... to me, this election offers the absolute clearest choice for the top job in my lifetime. There is no way one can vote for Mr. Kerry if they have followed his career in the slightest (that is what even the slightest conservetive would say). There is no way one can vote for Mr. Bush knowing the next president should influence the Supreme Court for the next forty years (that is what even the slightest liberal would say). The point is, you don't have to dig very deep to see the very stark differences in the two candidates.

As for me? I know both records... it is a very simple decision to make. God bless America!


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